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Screenshot 2014-03-01 01.28.03.png

Lonely Heart




A few STAGGERING FIGURES loiter. Any other time, they'd be drunks, 
homeless. Today, it's the Walking Dead.

Bloody. Pale. Lumbering. GROANING.

One of the undead -- a TWENTY-SOMETHING with a gaping hole where his ribcage has split open -- gazes at a BEAUTIFUL LADY ZOMBIE nearby. 

A name-tag pinned to his torn shirt tells us he is (or was) "JOE". 


Lonely Heart was the first short film that informal drama team Good Shout (of which I am a founding member) created. It is a zom-rom-com (that's zombie romantic comedy) and was created for the London Screenwriters Festival 50 Kisses competition. The film was a winner and selected to be a part of the finished feature film. It has been screened in cinema's in the UK and internationally as well as a host of international festivals including the London Independent Film Festival 2014.

You can read more about the making of this film on the 50 Kisses website

The cast and crew of Lonely Heart